Jeep Cherokee Blog
JCR Offroad Bumpers and a rant
JCR Offroad is way too slow... and they don't seem to know it.
I called JCR Offroad today and they told me MY BUMPERS ARE NOT DONE YET. Are you kidding me? I ordered them 33 days ago. I ordered them on the phone so I could ask how long of a wait I had and they told me I would have them around November 10th and maybe sooner. Well, it is a week and a half later than that and they aren't even done yet? I imagine they have been building these long enough that they should know how long it is going to take to build and ship them off. They either lied to me or the guy that I talked to was talking out of his ass. Either way I am not happy about it. They told me 2 weeks ago that they would ship them on Monday... a week and a half ago. What a joke. Another employee blowing sunshine. If I would have known it was going to take a month and a half I would have gone elsewhere or waited until Spring. Even if the information from their own website was correct I would have them by now. In fact, I would have had them last Friday at the very latest. I guess if people really knew how long it was going to take they would be less likely to buy them.
Why is this a problem you ask? Hmm. I already had one trip that I was going to use them come and go. The problem now is that it is getting cold here and soon it won't get over 50 degrees for another 4 months so I won't be able to get a reliable paint job in my garage. The cold weather is not good for painting with a rattle can. Plus working on my Jeep in the cold is not that awesome either. Bolts break easier and it is harder to remove rusted on nuts and bolts.
Thanks JCR Offroad. It just better be worth the wait.
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