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Jeep Cherokee Blog

Oct 17, 2008

Ordered JCR Offroad Bumpers

I ordered some JCR Offroad bumpers and rock sliders.

Category: Modifications
Posted by: andy

I ordered front and rear bumpers and rock sliders from JCR Offroad. I bought 'The Hotness' package. I am dissappointed in how slow they are at getting them out to me so I am hoping it is worth the wait. Unfortunately, I am heading to Moab in a few weeks and I won't be getting my parts in time to install them. I am anxious to get my stuff.

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  • June 25, 2012, 3:56 pm - Thank you very much for the information you posted about the transmission cooler install. I do have one question though, what are the specifications on the female hose barb you bought at home depot that is attached to the radiator? I'm looking to do the same to mine but I am having a heck of a time determining which one I need.

    -Rob - Robert
  • March 19, 2010, 12:56 pm - Lots of useful info on your site!

    I'm interested in how you got the spring to body bolts out on your leaf spring project. I'm about to undertake this project myself and from what i have read these bolts are very difficult to remove.

    I see you have addressed the issue and taken lots of pictures, but the links don't seem to open.

    Could you send me those pictures and explain how you got those bolts out?

    Much appreciated and keep up the good work! - Elliot